Sunday, October 16, 2005

Sandhill Cranes

Here's a pair of beautiful sandhill cranes that have been visiting the wetlands behind our house quite frequently. The sandhill crane, or "sandhill," is among Minnesota's largest bird species, standing about five feet tall and having a wingspread of nearly seven feet. Sandhills are birds of wet meadows and open landscapes. They migrate south for the winter.

Sandhills eat a variety of animals including frogs, small mammals, insects, and snakes, and also, small grains such as oats and wheat. Sometimes sandhills destroy small grain swaths while feeding, much to the farmer's dislike. Sandhill cranes are a protected species in Minnesota, but there is regulated hunting in some states, including North Dakota.

Sandhill cranes are closely related to the federally endangered whooping crane. Sandhills have been used in migration experiments guiding young whooping cranes to wintering areas in the southern US.


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