Saturday, March 24, 2007

Early 90's Hair

Here's an old picture of me off of a drivers license that expired in 1993. I had quite the hippy look going back then!
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Seasons Change

Yesterday Spring was really starting to rear it's beautiful head. It was in the 60's during the day. When I got home I fired up the Harley Sportster and drove it down to the filling station to get some fresh juice in it. In the evening I went skiing with my buddy Glen at Trollhaugen. We stayed there until they kicked us out as the ski season ended. Not every day you can ride motorbike and ski in the same day!

Thursday, March 15, 2007

March Sunrise

There were some really pretty colors this morning painted in the sunrise. The pond is still frozen over but we got a small taste of spring earlier this week with weather in the 50's. I'm ready for spring and ready to get back out on the sportster.