Sunday, April 27, 2008

Count the Frogs

The frogs have hatched out well in the pond behind our house this spring. Look closely at this picture and see how many you can count in this small area. I love the sound of the frogs and toads singing in the evenings. It's strangely comforting.
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Saturday, April 12, 2008

1962 Sea King 14'

Just got home with my 1962 Sea King boat. It's a 14' aluminum with original trailer and original 5hp Sea King outboard. It's all in great shape but the boat needs a good wash. I'm really looking forward to open water to get back to what's important in life (fishing).

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Snow Nesting Geese

The geese look annoyed at the snow covering the pond behind our house. Just two days ago the pond appeared ripe for nest building but still very wet.

Yesterday I saw a small flock of geese that was a mixture of canada and snow geese. I've not seen formations mixed like that before. I know it's very rare but there are documented cases of canada and snow goose hybrids.